Haemostatic Properties

  • Collagens are the most abundant proteins in the extracellular matrix (ECM) and provide mechanical strength to the vascular wall.1
  • Their structural properties help to maintain vascular membrane mechanical stability, and their adhesive properties help to counteract blood extravasations upon vascular injury.1
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Adapted by SERB from Manon-Jensen T. et al. 2016

Schematic representation of basement membrane and interstitial matrix localisation to the vascular wall.1

The extracellular matrix surrounding the vascular vessel consists first of a basement membrane and then an interstitial matrix.

Collagens of the basement membrane include collagen types IV, XV and XVIII.

Collagens of the interstitial matrix include collagen types I, III and VI.

The collagens provide tensile strength, adhesiveness, and structural integrity.

Collatamp G is used for local haemostasis of capillary, parenchymatous and seeping haemorrhages in areas with a high risk of infection.2

Haemostasis is triggered when blood comes into contact with released tissue factors and exposed endogenous collagen fibrils or renatured collagen fibrils like those in Collatamp G.2

The adhesion and aggregation of platelets is induced on the renatured collagen fibrils of Collatamp G and the plasmatic coagulation process is accelerated.2

The sponge-like structure of Collatamp G stabilises the wound clot and takes up a certain amount of blood.2

Collagen also promotes granulation and epithelialisation.2

After surgical operations or injuries, the exposure of collagen fibrils triggers the adhesion of platelets and the activation of plasma coagulation factors leading to wound closure.3

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1. Manon-Jensen T. et al., Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2016;14: 438-448
2. Instruction for use, May 2021
3. Stemberger A. et al., European Journal of Surgery, 1997; Suppl. 578: 17-26
4. Seré K. et al., Thime Medical Publishers, Seminars in Vascular Medicine, 2003; Volume 3, Number 1